Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Thursday, 22 February 2018

(POST 54) - Evaluation question 2

For this evaluation question I put together a survey in order to find out what people thing about the work me and Jordan Rolf have produced. I created a survey using surveymonkey in order to gain additional feedback from our work, the questions on the survey which are shown in the screenshots below have been structured this way because I believe this questions allowed us to find out the best feedback we could get positive and critical. I sent the link for this survey which we be below this text to people and put it on social media in order to gain a wider response to our work, also by sending it on social media I believe that it will reach my target audience which is the feedback we want to gain because they are the people we aimed to please when producing our work. This is the link to the survey we produced: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HHSJJCJ

These are a few screenshots of some of the feedback we have received which are both positive and critical therefore we can decide what improvements could be made for our work. Therefore below you can see a response to every question that I put on the survey so that I can talk about the positives and negatives of our work and explain what we have learnt from the primary research.

Question 1) What do you liked about our music video? 

"The story line was good and clear. The editing was amazing especially the part where the main character was chasing himself. Finally the variation in camera shots made it look very professional"

From question one you can see that the question is worded to get positive feedback so that we can see what things we done well. This shows us that our camerawork, editing and story line have received good feedback which is what we wanted and we can learn that people don't get bored when watching the video due to the editing being surprising at parts and the story line being easy to follow. Therefore we can see that this has been one of the strongest parts of our work which is what we initially thought would be one of our strong points. We didn't want to create an over complicated plot line and just keep it simple and easy unlike many professional companies would because we knew that between two of us we couldn't produce something more complicated in the time frame we had. Therefore from this we have learned that as a pair are strong points are editing, producing a clear story line and using a variety of camera angles to give it the professional look. This comment came from a student at our sixth form therefore he is in our target audience therefore the feedback is taken on board because we want to produce work based around what teenagers and young adults like.

Question 2) What don't you like about our music video?

"The costumes used could of been more creative, using something different would have given the costume that extra bit of creativity"

From this question you can see that the question is worded in order to get some positive critical feedback so that we can see what improvements we could make in future work. This shows us that creativity in costume is one of our weaknesses as a pair and we can learn that we need to improve this in our future work, although we didn't plan on using a complicated or more original styled costume because we feel like it would of been inappropriate for our music video to use something with more creativity that is unexpected especially when the video is based around sadness and loneliness. However we will take the positive criticism on board and learn from it because this did come from and individual from our sixth form again but this time is female, therefore so far from the feedback we have looked at we believe that the feedback we are receiving from females is positive but allows us to improve our work to a higher standard and then male is more based around giving us as much praise as possible which both is helpful when reflecting on our work.

Question 3) What changes would you make to our music video and why? 

"I would change some length of the clips and make them longer for more variation" 

From this question you can see that we wanted to learn what changes could be made to a music video to make it the very best it can be, this feedback came from another female from our sixth form but different to the last one. You can see that this feedback goes against the feedback from question one therefore we decided that we would take the positives and criticism from both. They both argue against each other about the use of camerawork however we believe that opinion on camerawork comes down to different perspective on the music video therefore we will still look to add in extra longer clips in the future so once again you can see that the female and male perspective of our music video is different which was something that we didn't expect therefore we can learn that we need to provide things that please both genders. 

Question 4) What do you like about our ancillary tasks? Including both the CD Cover and the Poster

"I liked the use of colour and the burning effect that has been used" 

This feedback is something that we were really pleased to here because we wanted to have some originality in the ancillary tasks because as proven in the video editing is one of our strong points therefore we wanted to use it to our ability. From this we have learned similar to from the video that editing is our strongest point as a pair and that when producing our work we definitely made the right choice to use it effectively to showcase our ability. However something that I did want our audience to catch on to was the font usage which only one person out of the many people I asked caught onto therefore we have learned that in future projects it would be a good decision to find a font that stands out more and gives the ancillary products more effect to create more synergy. 

Question 5) What would you change to our ancillary task? 

" Include more writing/text at the bottom on the back of the CD Cover to give it the more professional look" 

This is something that we didn't really think about when in the production stage of our ancillary tasks therefore it is a mistake on our behalf and has taught us we need to make sure in the future that we pay more attention to detail because this is something our target audience might focus on however this feedback came from my dad who is not in the range our work was targeted at. However, just because we are aiming it at certain individuals doesn't mean that the feedback we receive that isn't from the range doesn't mean we don't appreciate it as much as the other feedback. Therefore you can see that from this feedback we wanted to act upon it and make sure our ancillary task will be to the best of our ability and was improved on.

Question 6) Are the links between the three products clear? If so what do you think the links are?

"Yes I believe they are, the main one I got was the burning effect used in the music video and on the ancillary tasks you done"

This question is partly helpful for the next evaluation question as well because we also need to answer a question on how effective the combination of our three products are therefore if our consumers are picking up on the clear links then it is a massive bonus to us because this is what we wanted to achieve. From this I can learn that our ability to link the three products has been completed to a good standard however one thing I can learn is the male that gave me this answer on my survey hasn't mentioned the colour scheme so I can only assume that he didn't find it clear enough therefore we can learn that we need to make this a lot more clearer because colour is a major influence on how people can link work to one another therefore this is another place we need to improve on.

I have put together all the feedback we received in one document so that you can see all of it on the website surveymonkey which is shown below

To conclude what I have talked about the main positive we have found out is that our editing skills are very good and our audience liked what we have done with our editing teaching us to make sure we use it as much as possible to create more effects. However the things that we can improve on our more variation in camera shots by including longer length ones teaching us that the audience like seeing long shots which can show even more character emotion which would work really well with our music video therefore the overall feedback we have received has worked really well. The debate I used between the difference in gender opinion was used to see if you can get more useful feedback from either gender in order to improve future work but however from this research I believe that both work well together because the balance enables us to produce the best work possible. Overall the feedback research has taught us that our work is to a good standard but there are a few things that would make it even better.


Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

(POST 51) - Final Ancillary Task 1

This is our album CD cover and the layout works in this way, the top left is the front cover, top right is the inside left cover, bottom left is the inside right cover and would be the one were the disc would go and finally the bottom right is the back of the CD cover.


Tuesday, 6 February 2018

(POST 50) - Feedback on your rough cut

I have asked four people about our rough cut and what they think through Facebook. I will ask them again when we get the final cut done so we can see what improvements we have made and what we think. The images are below of our feedback.


Saturday, 3 February 2018

(POST 49) - Rough Cut

You can find the rough cut here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQVijqaIPeU

We plan to include and get more footage in the blank spaces and improve the quality of the video for the final cut.