Sunday, 26 November 2017

(POST 28) - Casting and Characters

For our music video we only plan on using one actor and that will be Aaron Walker or Harvey Folkard. We think both actors have different strengths that we could use in our music video. The song we want to use is based around one person and his feelings so by using one person and makes the link between being lonely and using one person on the music video.

Character Profile - Male actor 
The character we are looking to create in our video is a young male that is suffering through through his girlfriend leaving him therefore it makes him feel lonely because he doesn't know where and why she left so the actor needs to have good ability in making different kinds of facial expression to show loneliness and sadness. The music video will show the characters journey through the suffering that is caused through his girlfriend leaving him. Therefore we think Aaron would be a good fit to do this role because we used him in our preliminary task and thought he done a good job.

The two male actors are shown below Aaron being on the left and Harvey being on the right:

Acting we are using for auditioning - There is plenty of potential scenes we could shoot for auditions. However, I would like to shoot the characters facial expressions and emotions as I feel that will be most important for the success of the video and how we can make the audience emotionally attached to the video. I'm hoping to audition all potential actors and then come to a conclusion of who we want to have in the final music video.


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