Wednesday, 31 January 2018

(POST 48) - Post filming video diary

We decided to film on two days in order to give ourselves plenty of time to get what we wanted but during these two days we filmed some in the light and some in the dark to see what we would prefer and what looks better. After doing that on the first day we looked at the footage on the second day and decided the daytime looks better therefore we redone bits so it looked more professional. Some of our good points during filming were that we came up with new ideas which will be shown in the final cut of our music video, such as in the song it talks about running from myself therefore we decided it would be a good idea to have the main character running from himself which shows our good editing skills in order to pull it off. A bad point from our filming day would be the first day when we recorded in the light the footage had a green tint to it therefore we had to redo them part which means we lost out on time and the overall time to film increased due to this but we managed to deal with it well. Overall filming was successful and if anything went better than we thought it was going to go the only thing we could have improved on was checking the footage whilst filming to see the green tint therefore we could have saved ourselves time however we sorted it in the end therefore everything was fine.


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